
Why the holidays are the perfect time to hook up with that guy from high school that got hot

Say fuck it and be a legend!!!!

If you’re not in a happily well-established relationship, the holidays can be a total shit show. Painfully aware of the fact you have no-one to bring to Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hannukkah/Winter Solstice/Kwanzaa celebrations, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only person in the world not enjoying the festivities.

But guess what, life is miserable for everyone! If you’re in a real relationship, a situationship, a casual thing or just bitterly bitterly alone, the holidays can be a really sucky time.

But never fear, we made a podcast all about navigating the holidays with everything from gift giving to DTR before you leave town and everything in between:

It’s part of our babe masterclass series – a new podcast that helps real girls with their real problems. Presented by Dr. (Not a real doctor) Amanda Ross, babe’s editor, we look at a new issue that affects our audience every day.

So far we’ve covered:

– Ghosting

– Break ups

– Dating Apps

– Friends with benefits

– Sexting and taking the perfect nudes

To subscribe on the Podcast store and get notified when a new episode drops – click here