Glossier expanded its foundation shade range for the first time ever


babe  • 

Glossier expanded its foundation shade range for the first time ever

It’s about damn time

This story is just a straight news writeup. It's not about how Glossier makeup is just prettily packaged water, designed only for people who already have perfect skin! Whatever!

Anyway, for this strictly news announcement, I'm delighted to inform you that Glossier is finally expanding its foundation and concealer shade range for the first time since its inception. No longer will all of humanity (well, all of humanity seeking skin that walks the fine line between youthfully dewy and greased lizard) be forced to choose form just five shades: White, White, White, Level 3 Spray Tan, and But Where Are You From-From?

The Emily Weiss-helmed brand now offers 12 shades to choose from. And while other brands like Fenty Beauty offer about five times more than that, the company's shade-matching tool can be found online to help select the best match for you.