
This little girl became a NATIONAL HERO when she called 911 to ask for cheese sticks

I know like 90 bitches who would do this

Have you guys ever had a craving so bad, you thought you would die? Like, a fifth-day-of-your-period-and-you-need-chocolate-right-now type of craving? I've definitely wanted tacos so bad that I could've called 911, but modern civilities have stopped me from ever taking the plunge.

But one little girl, unhindered by the chains of society's definition of "emergency", called 911 when she reallllly wanted cheese sticks. A modern-day hero.

The police came to her house to explain to her not to call 911, but they also brought her a cheese pizza. Dumb lit. Even if it was a nasty-ass $5 one from Little Caesar's.

Sure, her mom might've beat her ass afterwards but for now, she's living in Twitter fame. To be honest, I know at least three bitches who would do this but NONE of them would've been this precious.

This girl is a legend. Someone needs to time travel me back to being eight so I can get myself a free pizza, stat. I'm hungry. Y'all could also just venmo me: @Una-Dabiero

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