
Was the ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ scandal a huge PR stunt?

Fans seem to think so

The Bachelor In Paradise drama has been resolved a little over a week after it began. Earlier today, Warner Brothers announced that there was no “charge of misconduct by a cast member” after they viewed the tape of the alleged sexual assault between Corinne and DeMario. Filming of the show is set to resume and the show will go on as planned.

But this strange series of events has left fans wondering if all of this was just one huge PR stunt. I’m not saying it was, but Twitter users definitely think there’s something more to it.

If this was nothing more than a publicity stunt to gain viewership, it’s highly problematic for real victims of sexual assault. With the already inaccurate belief that many reports of sexual assault are false, this “stunt” would only perpetuate that harmful narrative.

The whole scandal has left everyone questioning exactly what went on: Why were the producers and contestants not gag ordered and instead talked to countless media outlets? Why didn’t the producers view the tapes before canceling the show? Is it just coincidence that the shows most famous villain, Corinne, is at the center of all of this?

The fans want answers.

Read here for a complete timeline of the alleged Bachelor in Paradise assault scandal.