
The pros and cons of having sex with your friend

There are a lot of pros and cons of having sex with your friend

Depending on who you ask, sleeping with your friend could be a good thing or a bad thing. In fact, there are many pros and cons of having sex with your friend. But it's not as simple as do it or don't do it. There are a lot of variables that need to be taken into consideration.

On the one hand, sleeping with your friend could lead to something wonderful. On the other, sleeping with your friend could ruin your friendship. Which is why it's particularly important to weigh up the choices before you make any moves.

they should NOT have slept together

The pros of sleeping with your friend

The main pro is this: sleeping with them could lead to a relationship which could lead to everlasting, soulmate type of love. It's a big, idealistic pro but it happens. It's not completely deranged to see sex with your friend evolving into something more.

Another pro is the fact that because you're already close and comfortable with one another things won't be that awkward.

Also, you kind of have a built in fuck buddy. You can have sex all the time and not worry about the annoying "will they think I'm needy if I text" thing.

It worked out for Monica & Chandler!

The cons of sleeping with your friend

While sleeping with your friend seems like it's a daydream of sunshine and rainbows, there are a lot of cons to sleeping with your friend.

Unless you both agree to keep things casual there's always a chance for miscommunication and hurt feelings. And then, even if you both do agree to keep it casual there's the chance someone will catch feelings and want more. It's basically like mixing business with pleasure which is, in case you didn't know, something you shouldn't do.

Then there's the whole "this could cause tension in the friend group" thing. Your sleeping together might make others uncomfortable and while it's none of their business nothing stays secret within friend groups and if things were to end badly between the two of you it could make things harder on your friends. Especially if you no longer want to hang out with the person you slept with your friends might feel like they have to choose between you both.

Look, at the end of the day it's your life and only you know what will work for you. Do what feels right. If you think this is something worth pursuing, then do it! Don't let anyone or anything stop you. Don't let anyone hold you back.

But, if you looking to hook up with your friend just to have someone to hook up with, don't do it. Don't muddy the waters or make things more complicated. If you're desperate for a hook up, download Tinder. Don't use your friend, someone you love and have invested in, as a body to appease your needs. It won't end well. Likeā€¦ it really will not end well.

Follow your heart and if your heart happens to lead you into bed with your friend? Well, c'est la vie!