
What celebrity do I look like? Here’s how to find your celebrity twin

These quizzes will tell you your celebrity lookalike

Let’s be honest, every once in a while, we ask ourselves: “What celebrity do I look like?” I mean, they say there’s seven people on Earth who look like each and every one of us, so one of my seven has to be a celeb. Even if they’re a D-Lister making money off Sharknado movies, I want to be able to say I have a famous lookalike. But first, I need to find them.

We found tons of quizzes online that can help you find your celebrity twin. Pull out a selfie, and get ready for action. Oh, but as a tip, proceed with caution. You could look like Jennifer Lopez, but you could also look like one of those creepy characters on American Horror Story.

Here’s a list of ways to find your celebrity twin:

Popsugar’s online app tells you what celeb you look like based on your selfies.

I’ve tried this one out. Can confirm– it’s accurate. Or maybe I’m just saying that because it told me I look like Dakota Fanning.

Dakota Fanning was my celebrity lookalike

Here’s another site to try if you don’t like your #twinning results

It told me I look like Miley Cyrus!! I am not ok.

And this app uses Artificial Intelligence to see what celebrity you look like

Sounds like some FBI-type shit to me.

This one just uses your Facebook profile picture

And you can easily share it with your Facebook friends.

If you’re not chill with putting your photo out there, here’s a multiple choice quiz

Or here’s a fun one where you get to build an outfit

If I was famous, my closet would be even better than this. Just saying.

Here’s to all of us looking like Kim K., and none of us looking like the new Lindsay Lohan. I’ll drink to that. And also do some squats. And maybe consult a plastic surgeon. Next I need to find out who my celebrity angel donor is. I could use a wallet makeover, if you know what I’m saying.

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