
Selena Gomez just unfollowed her mom, Justin Bieber, and a million other people on Instagram

People think she's having a breakdown

About 1 out of every 56 people on Earth follow Selena Gomez on Instagram, but she only follows 12 of us. While the 25-year-old singer technically still follows 36 total accounts following her social media purge last night, only 12 of those are actual people. The rest are brands, projects, or fan accounts about her.

Between breaking up with the love of her life and announcing a new Christian album, you'd think she had enough change to keep her satisfied for at least a week. But I'm impressed to see her shaking things up again.

So who does she still follow? Well, there's Francia Raisa, who Selena really can't unfollow since she donated one of her kidneys to her last summer. Then there's Amy Schumer, Jessica Alba, Julia Michaels, and Taylor Swift — good to know at least someone is still a part of the infamous squad now that Karlie and Lorde are out.

Aside from them, she follows the creative director of Coach and Louis Vuitton, as well as one of her stylists, a stylists, and one of her makeup artists. Looks like even her own mother didn't make the cut, which would be no surprise were she still with Justin, but since the two have split, we're all kind of wondering, who does she have left? Thanks to Gossip Girl, I knew it was lonely at the top but she really seems to be isolating herself.

Her bio now reads, "By grace through faith. Also Will and Grace is life."