
Looking for the ultimate manic pixie dream girl thirst trap trend? ‘Cause we found it

Am I sad or turned on?

We've already acknowledged the fact that not getting the lighting juuust right for a selfie is criminal. But if you're trying to spotlight only certain parts of your body, a touch of shade never hurt nobody — and it can also be your secret weapon to landing the greatest thirst trap of all time.

Buckle, up baby. This particular thirst trap trend has been laying low for quite some time, but it's one that you should save for your photo album. I call it the shadow trap, because of course I do.

Shadow trapping requires nothing but a lil light

Although shadow trapping is undoubtedly one of the sexiest thirst traps of the bunch, it's also one of the easiest to perform. All it takes is you, a set of blinds in your window, and let the brightness in to put nature's glow on that bawdy.

Most shadow traps capture the face in that typical 'sad girl' stock photo kind of way

The answer as to why a selfie shadow trap is so popular is beyond me, but I think when the sun hones in on only the best of body parts and you hide behind a tad bit of shadow, the trap shows off just enough to tease that thirst DM dude. Expect a lot of comments under your photos and up that online engagement, hoe!

And some shadow trapping is straight-up neked

The shadow of your bedroom window is the only cover up you need when you're hoping to get your crush dropping those hearts on your timeline. Now that the sun has finally presented itself again, take advantage of those rays and your blinds to hide behind the shadows — but not too much. You need an excuse to slip that nip.

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