
I can’t stop laughing at this girl who accidentally used black henna to give herself freckles… and now can’t get it off

‘Now my face burns a little bit’

If you're worrying about dressing nice for a graduation ceremony, spare a thought for Berivan Yıldız, a student who accidentally used black henna to paint freckles on her face – and now can't get them off. The 20-year-old wanted to experiment with freckle make-up after seeing a beauty video on Instagram, but it went extremely wrong when she used black henna, and ended up looking like this:

Babe superfan Berivan, who studies English language at Istanbul University, said she was in the middle of a self-care day when she had the inspiration to apply fake freckles from an online beauty guru.

"The post in the freckles looked so good," said Berivan. "And my dorm is just five minutes away from some cultural spice shops that sell henna. I went to buy it and asked the guy, 'this is henna right?' the shopkeeper said 'yes, yes, young lady.' I mentioned I wanted brown henna and he gave me black henna. I applied it and in five minutes I checked it and saw it’s not going to turn into brown. I washed my face and it turned black. I started laughing, and then crying."

Berivan said she wanted to look good for a graduation ceremony she's attending tomorrow with her family – but now her face is covered in black marks.

"I tried applying toothpaste, olive oil, make-up remover, salt," she said, explaining the number of home remedies she's tried using to get rid of the henna. "Now my face burns a little bit. It hurts, like the feeling of sunburn. I don’t know what I’m going to do. My parents don’t know. My sister knows and she wants to know what my obsession with freckles was. I can’t wait to see my dad’s face and his reaction."

Berivan added: "I also laughed, but it hurts a little bit. I don’t want to get any damage. I don’t want to die because of this henna."

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