
Just a list of all-too-obvious signs that you’re in love and have sold your soul entirely

Single life is overrated

Once you've mastered sliding into DMs, going through a series of the worst one night stands, and routinely hooking up with a cheater, you land one and question "am I in love?" Is this real? A seemingly perfect person to call yours was looking farther than impossible that you can't believe something so unbelievable, so here's a guide to learning how to know you're in love.

You're super emotionally unstable

In other words, you'll feel like you've suffered from withdrawal when you're not with or speaking to the special someone. Your emotions are day and night if there's a speck of indecisiveness from them.

You like their family (and they like you back)

It's understood you've had a crack at love when you get on well with mom and dad while getting off with your soulmate.

Friends? I don't know her

What do you care if it's a girl's night out? If he's offering to take you out, you'll say your guilty goodbyes after the squad just got the appetizer.

'We' is the only way you reference yourself

"So and so and I were thinking…" are just some of the phrases you'll find yourself speaking about your – excuse me – "our" outlook. You've basically got a second brain following you around when you fall short on opinions.

You're irrationally positive about every fucking thing

In this day and age, that might be a good thing, but your positive point of view is sickening to everyone around you. If a meteor was about to hit, you'd call it fake news. Nothing can get in your way when you have a shiny new toy.

Every phone notification isn't from them…but you act like it is

Your phone may not even be blowing up, but you'll check it anyway to see if there's a message somewhere, anywhere to see if they've gotten back to you. If they haven't, you're already going through you r old texts to relive the moment.

Babbling about them will annoy everyone around you

When jumping into a new relationship and your only word vomit is their name, it's clear as day to those closest to you will hate you, most of which are all still on Bumble.

You'd rather see them for five minutes than not at all

If both of your schedules allow only an hour together, you'll take the opportunity to skip out on something else to see each other for only a short time. You basically don't want to miss a single moment of their lives.

Finding out new things about them is like being high

20 questions is the name of the game and you'd even lookup what to ask someone you like on any search engine when your brain stops functioning.

You cling when it's time to go your separate ways

The high pitched whiney voice comes out when they've got you on your doorstep. You're whipped, hun.

Starting fights with them makes you feel bad

You can never stay mad at them for long, unless they've stuck their meat someplace else, that is.

Concentration on work or anything important is absolute shit

Don't expect to ever be productive again if you're falling hard. Being in love will get you fired because your brain's turned to mush thinking of them.

You're ex is officially in the past

On the bright side, you're finally over that last shitbag boyfriend.

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