
‘Yoga Skin’ is the new skincare trend I want zero part of ??

2019 is already awful

I…don’t love yoga people. There’s just something about Lululemon pants that changes a person. It’s not even them, it’s the idea of them. They remind me of Alex & Ani and bird tattoos (I have one too, this is a self-drag), and can’t help but envy the fact they wake up with the desire to touch their toes.

I was hoping the whole health food/workout craze would remain in 2018 and we’d be allowed to return to a world where vegan Earth girls weren’t stretching and encouraging me to EAT ORGANIC???!!!! on Instagram, but this morning, as I was lying in my unwashed sheets, minding my own business, it happened: I stumbled into ‘Yoga Skin,’ 2019’s newest skincare trend.

The aim is to look as sweaty as humanly possible

My personal aim is to apply my makeup without gagging, but to each their own, I guess.

And it’s not even just one influencer who’s lost it

Occasionally you come across the rogue ‘influencer’ who is trying out some new freaky trend like ass pumpkins, but for the most part, these trends don’t spread.

But when it comes to ‘Yoga Skin’ they are ALL in on it.

The upper lip sweat! I simply cannot!

I promise, if you all stop rubbing your yoga skin in my face, I will stop rubbing my unwashed skin in yours, and we can all move on with our sad lives.

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