
Forget the Avril thing, I’m SHOOK over this Lindsay Lohan conspiracy theory

Was it murder at the hands of Disney?

By now, you’ve seen the latest resurgence of the Avril Lavigne body-double conspiracy theory. It’s been covered before, but a Twitter thread posted this weekend reignited the debate, spawning hundreds of tweets and even more thinking emojis.

But now, on the heels of this intriguing mystery, Twitter user and Lohan stan @drugproblem has introduced us to a new conspiracy theory about Lindsay Lohan…and her twin who was murdered by Disney.

Our scene is set way back in the 80s when living goddess Dina Lohan birthed not one but two ginger kids on the same day:

As with all sets of twins, one was the clear star:

Then things get sinister…..

Life imitates art:

Rest in peace, Kelsey. You’re with the angels now:

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