
If you hate Geminis, you’re probably ugly or jealous or a Taurus

Mad that we're the best?

We’ve all heard it. The cautionary tales, the warnings. People locking up their doors in a panic, descending into bunkers like a scene out of Twister. “Brace yourself,” they scream, voices muffled by apocalyptic-level rain, “it’s Gemini season.

Seriously, I’ve had enough.

May 21-June 21st is the apparently infamous, fear-inducing Gemini season. But honestly, tell me, tell me you have not been living these weeks of prime summer weather sipping shandies at a rooftop bar, working on your base tan and sending out fire Snaps without a care in the world?

Geminis constantly receive a bad rap and while no sign is perfect, this air sign is disproportionately criticized. So, let’s set the record straight on all this hate against the Twins of the Zodiac. Here’s a handful of this mesmerizing sign’s most enviable qualities:

If show-stopping is a crime, just arrest me now

“Who is that?” you wonder, as an inexplicably magnetic human enters the room. Oh nbd, that’d just be a GEMINI. This sign possesses a uniquely commanding presence not lost on the likes of some of its most famous, and ultimate babes, Marilyn Monroe or Angelina Jolie. But their intrigue isn’t all about appearances. Ruled by Mercury, Geminis are renowned for their people skills. This sign is sharp, witty and will make sure there’s never an awkward moment. Due to their constant curiosity, Geminis genuinely enjoy socializing with anyone and everyone.

We’re multi-dimensional 

Don’t even say it, don’t even think it. “But Geminis are so two faced,” you little bullies are whispering to yourselves right now (probably all Tauruses, tbh). I hate to break it to you, but this outdated stereotype is completely inaccurate. This sign may seem a bit erratic with their varied interests and multi-dimensional personalities, but none of this is disingenuous. For example, this sign is easy-going and sociable, while also being a deep thinker who thrives on independence. Their various talents and passions will constantly surprise you. And, contrary to popular belief, a Gemini’s multifaceted personality helps them to view the world from a variety of perspectives. In result, they tend to be excellent at offering fair and objective opinions.

Sorry, I’ve run out of fucks to give

You aren’t likely to catch a Gemini slumped on a couch watching Friends re-runs and sulking over a pint of Ben & Jerry’s (or an entire container of hummus — just me?). There are no “woe is me” or grudge-holding attitudes to be found here. Geminis don’t have time for that shit. They are going to change the mood for the better simply because life continues on, and isn’t it better to leave the negativity behind and enjoy yourself?

Bring me a real challenge

Throw them into position of CEO at a start-up, toss them into a tent in the middle of Peru, a Gemini will figure it the fuck out. This sign isn’t afraid of discomfort, and in fact thrives on newness. As the only mutable air sign of the Zodiac, Geminis are the queens of conquering challenges.

Give me freedom or give me death

A Gemini at heart is wild, spirited and fiercely independent. A Gemini is undyingly loyal to the people they love, but can’t stand to be held back. She is determined to explore the world, and will be the first to encourage you do the same. What I’m really saying is, a Gemini is slo-mo footage of a lone mustang, running against the setting sun. A Gemini is that badass scene at the end of Pocahontas, waving goodbye to her lover as he sails across the ocean in a tiny log boat, because fuck it, this is her life and she ain’t gonna compromise for anybody.

It’s time we all embrace the Gemini inside of us is a hell of a lot stronger.

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