
Your ‘what are we’ dictionary because it’s 2017 and defining the relationship is complicated

Why can't it just be easy?

Dating is confusing. There are so many stages between meeting someone and actually getting serious with them that it’s almost impossible to know what you are to the one you call boo.

This guide will help you know where you stand on the relationship spectrum.


You just met recently at a party, bar, or on Tinder and have been chatting it up a lot. Commitmentphobes, don’t panic, this is the best stage for you. You can be “talking” to as many potential catches as you want. In this stage you never really go out to see each other, just insinuate you will sometime soon. You can be as serious or as playful as you want, there’s no attachment yet. Maybe you decide to move to Snapchat at some point, but it’s nothing serious.


Poor thing, you’re madly in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way… yet. So, you are constantly searching for a sign that they will eventually reciprocate your feelings. You obsess over the smallest things and every text is a sign that they are your soul mate. You take hundreds of quizzes and watch your horoscope like mad because those things matter right now.


You went on an actual date… and it went okay. You’re entering the “thing” stage, a.k.a the most frustrating stage of this whole thing. You text often, and are starting to talk about more personal subjects. You’ve likely spent a night at their apartment. You’re starting to feel a little attached and talk to your friends about them often. It seems like you’re dating right? Wrong, because you haven’t had the official talk yet. You both could still be seeing other people, despite how infatuated you feel. Things last for an undefined amount of time, it could be months, it could be years.


You met them at the beginning of summer and have basically been inseparable since. You talk non-stop when you’re not together. This is the person you fell for hard, which sucks, because by the end of summer, you’ll never talk again. Whether it be distance, career or school you and your summer love get separated and drift apart quickly. Tbh, it’s the most tragic of relationship stories.

Friends with benefits

You get all the sex and loving you want, but without real commitment. The great thing is, you both should know that you’re here for the benefits more than the relationship. If you’re in it for the relationship, back out now… this is not where you want to be. Real relationships hardly come out of this, just a lot of sex.


Everything was going just fine, but then they disappeared. No more texts or calls, their social media is gone. You can’t find out what happened and you’re likely never going to. Just make up a scenario to tell all your friends, like they went to the military or are out hiking across the world or some shit.


Just one step further in the dating stage. You both stop talking to and sleeping with other people. It’s not Facebook official, but you would probably post a pic or two on Instagram. Basically every single person knows you’re together, but you don’t call each other boyfriend/girlfriend.


You did it, you made it out of the dreaded bullshit. Boo couldn’t imagine you with anyone else so they made you officially theirs. You’ve stopped talking to other people (if you’re not a dick), and spend as much time with your honey as possible. You’ve started meeting their family, and sleepovers have become a regular thing. Your friends probably think you’re gross, but you don’t care because you’re in love.

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