
How to find the secret nudes folder on your iPhone

Apple and Android owners beware

We pretty much lost it yesterday when we realized you can search certain words on your iPhone and all your nudes appear. It turns out the revelation doesn't just apply to Apple devices, but Andriods as well.

We're breaking down exactly how to find the secret nudes in your phone. You can use this information to find your favorite sultry pic to send in a flash or check your guy's phone for photos of his exes. What you do with this information is entirely up to you.

If you've got an iPhone

Open the photo app and tape the magnifying glass in the upper righthand corner. It should be next to the word, "Select." Type in the word you want to find like, "brassiere" or "bath" and you'll see every (nude) pic that your phone think applies. It also works with non-nude related photos like "beach" or "couch." When our coworker Amanda searched, "cat" she got 102 photos of her feline friend. Basically, every photo you've ever taken is being stored in secret little folders for you by Apple.

If you've got an Android

Open the Google photos app on your phone and type in a word like "bra" or "brassiere" in the search bar at the top. The app doesn't seem to catch every photo that falls into the searched category as well as an iPhone does. Bottom line though, Google is keeping track of your nudes too!

There you have it. Your phone's software has been "tracking" the pics you take. We're not entirely sure how we feel about this discovery. It's a wee bit creepy, but also super useful. Only time will tell if this development is used for good or evil purposes, but for now we'll be searching for more bizarre words that bring us the nudes.

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