
If you REALLY want to express #gratitude, then you better throw up a sexy Thanksgiving thirst trap!

More like #thiccsgiving, am I right?

After eating our body weight in food yesterday, most of us are spending the day in bed recovering from turkey-induced comas. Now is the perfect opportunity to throw up a Thanksgiving-related photo and write a long caption about how #grateful and #blessed you are!

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A quick scroll through Instagram reveals dozens of grainy and oversaturated photos of families gathered lovingly around large home-cooked meals. Very heartwarming!

But wait. There are a couple of photos that seem a little out of place. Juxtaposed alongside blurry shots of cranberry sauce and wholesome family photos, there are dozens of what appear to be…oh NO!! Thirst traps!

Honestly though, are you surprised? If people will pop out their tits at Auschwitz or the voting booth, then of course they’ll pose sexily in a tight outfit with a dead bird in their hands while baby cousins scamper around behind them and grandma snoozes in the corner. Anything for those sweet, sweet likes!

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