
I hate my life! How to deal with the fact that ‘my life sucks’

From people who get it

If you're having suicidal thoughts, call the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Ok… we've all been there. I've shouted "I HATE MY LIFE" into the void so many times. Whether you hate what you're doing at work, you just went through a break-up, or you're just… sad, you might be thinking "MY LIFE SUCKS" one too many times everyday. Here's what to do when you find yourself saying "I hate my life." And no, I'm not going to tell you to just go on a jog. I don't want you to hate your life even more.

Try to figure out why you're thinking 'I hate my life!!'

Is there something specific making you unhappy? Maybe you really fucking hate your parents? Maybe your dog died? Maybe you're unemployed, you just went through a break up, or you don't like your job. Try to figure out what's itching at you.

If it's something that's still in your life, can you let it go? If so, let yourself be free of it. If it's something that's happened in the past, try to journal the emotions you're having right now or talk to a friend. They're basically living journals that can sometimes soothe you. Pick a good friend or a nice journal. It'll pay off.

If you can't figure it out — or if you just feel generally upset — maybe it's time to see a professional

Some people hate their lives for neurological reasons. If you're feeling moody for no particular reason, you could have major depression or another mental illness. See a professional in your area to determine if the chemicals in your brain are what's making you hate your life.

Try to find a way to comfort yourself — if only for an hour

If you're feeling upset about a particular thing in your life, try to find something you enjoy to keep yourself distracted. It can be a television show, a phone call with a friend, a hobby. It can be fucking ice cream, for all I care. Know that you will get over your pain, and it's ok if something hurts for a while.

Stay away from things that make you sad, like sad songs or communities of sad people on Instagram or something. That doesn't help anyone. Focus on the positives and I know you will find one.

Know that your life is always worth living, even if you hate it right now

Even if something shitty happened. Even if you did something wrong. Even if you think there's no reason to keep going. Your life is meaningful. You are special to someone. People love you. Your life WILL get better. Even if it doesn't look like it right now, your life doesn't suck. And you have forever to make a change.

If you're having suicidal thoughts, call the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

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